A Place of Safety – Martin Nathan

Published by Salt Publishing on June 15th 2018.

SYNOPSIS A boy exiles himself from his family through a shocking act of violence. Years later, having built a new life he returns to try to understand his past. He attempts to reconcile with his family but the closer he gets to them, the more he sets the course for disaster. Starting at the point of the final tragedy, we discover through four narrators the fabric of lies on which all their live were built, and how deep wounds can go.




…a forensically raw depiction of a snarling, tense Brixton in a sustained and brilliant piece of writing…

  • The Most Dangerous Woman

I found myself returning over and over to Martin Nathan’s other contribution to the anthology, the heavily ironic ‘You and me in Paradise’ which yields a refreshingly vital take on a landscape we think we recognise but is coolly recalibrated to uncover abuse piece by pristinely-tiled piece.

  • You and me in Paradise

Review of Trouble Anthology of Protest by Steve Whittaker – Yorkshire Times


I have short stories and poetry in these anthologies:

And a long poem in Erbacce magazine Spring issue

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Reading in Lewes, 10th October, at the John Harvey Tavern from 7.45